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The LORD is Good!

Psalm 145:9 The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!  You could hear them say this and then, the place was filled with the glory of God, which is the power of His goodness in manifestation.  In another place, they were surrounded by the enemy, and they began to sing as they sent the worship team out in front of the army, “For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever.”  Then, the Lord manifested Himself and three armies were destroyed. 

When you lift your voice and talk about God’s goodness, His goodness manifests.  The Lord is good. He is not bad and does not do bad things.  When there is an “Act of God” from our Heavenly Father, it is always good.  Again, He is not bad.  He is not angry.  He is not looking to punish.  He is merciful.  He is kind.  He is gracious.  And He is good.  He is good all the time. 

Then, we see He is good to all.  The Word says, “He rains on the righteous and the unrighteous.”  Even people outside the covenant experience the goodness of God.  They may not recognize or acknowledge it, but He is good to them anyway. The Word says, “He loved us when we were unlovely, while we were in sin.”  Thank God for His goodness to all. We, as believers, should never question God’s goodness.  James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” If it is good, it came from God and there is no variableness to it.

His tender mercy is over you.  What does that mean? You are His workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus, and His mercy is over everything that He created.  And everything else He created was to serve man.  Now, I know that, today, people don’t like that, but it is true anyway.  Man was the pinnacle of God’s creation. All this was created to serve man. We don’t serve the Earth; the Earth was meant to serve us.  We are to be good stewards over God’s creation, but the focus of God’s creation was man.  “What is a man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you go visit him?” an angel asked, and this was recorded in the Psalms.  What is my point?  God focused His tender mercies on you, the pinnacle of His creation. 

God is not out to get us.  He is out to save us, to bring us into His family.  And He is willing to show you His mercy.  What does His mercy include?  All that salvation is.  He is the Father of mercies, and He invites you to His Throne Room so you can obtain His mercy. He wants you to obtain the benefits of healing, prosperity, protection, and all that is provided in this wonderful place: His presence.  You are His work, and He has bestowed favor and blessing on your life. Receive the tender mercy that He offers to you this day and every new day. What a merciful, kind, compassionate, good God we serve!