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Ignorance due to A blind heart

Ephesians 4:18  Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart. 

What is the root cause of ignorance? It is the blindness and darkness that is in a person’s heart. It is where the life of God is foreign to someone because of their fallen nature. What in the world does this have to do with finishing our course? Everything. Let me explain. Any time we do what the Lord is telling us to do, we are walking in the light as He is in the light. If we don’t do what He says, we are allowing darkness in. It is just like your spiritual hearing. You have ears to hear what the Spirit of God says to you, but if you ignore Him when He speaks, your hearing will get duller and duller each time you ignore, disobey, or rebel against Him. When He tells you what to do with your life, a seeing comes so you can begin to walk in the light of that path. If you refuse to walk in His path, that path will become darker. It gets dimmer because you have put blinders on your spiritual eyes, and it is those eyes that are needed to walk out your course, your path. 

When you don’t step out, when you disobey or rebel, ignorance comes, or you could say confusion comes. God is not confused. It is you who have become confused by not doing what God has told you to do. You have now blinded your spiritual eyes because of your disobedience and have suddenly become ignorant to what God wants you to do. This is bad, but it can be fixed. How? Just say, “Lord, I think you said…, but I didn’t do it because I didn’t think it was you. Please tell me again.” And when He does, just do it! If you don’t go back and fix it, if you don’t obey what He tells you to do, the road will continue to get darker. 

We become ignorant when we don’t obey, and ignorance alienates us from the life of God and then, it gets worse because the next place is where unbelievers live and that is their understanding is darkened because they are totally blind. Unbelievers live in this life spiritually dead, blind, and away from the life of God, which is exactly how some believers live in certain areas of their life. We don’t have to live that way. I am convinced that the reason believers get sad, depressed, live in fear, and on and on is because they are not doing what they were assigned to do in their mother’s womb. They have blinded their heart by disobedience to God’s direction for their life. There is an easy cure. Whatever He says, do it! It is the key to the miraculous, and it is the key to life lived miraculously in every area of your life. You have tried it your way, now do it His!