Get God’s Joy
I am going to be a helper of your joy today. Joy comes from God's Word. The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
From Generation to Generation
Ecclesiastes 1:4 says, “One generation passes away and another one comes.” That may not sound like much revelation; but when you realize that God deals with generations, as well as individuals, you then realize that it is very important.
Stand Against the Enemy
There are usually two ditches on any subject and that is true when it comes to your adversary, the devil. Some people blame everything that goes wrong on the devil, but it is not always the devil doing it. Sometimes we make bad decisions that cause our problems.
Stand Against the Enemy
There are usually two ditches on any subject and that is true when it comes to your adversary, the devil. Some people blame everything that goes wrong on the devil, but it is not always the devil doing it. Sometimes we make bad decisions that cause our problems.
Watching Over God’s Plans
The plans that God has for the church, and for our lives individually, need to be watched over. The word “watched” is interesting. What does it mean to watch? Who is supposed to be doing the watching?
Partake of Your Salvation
I want to encourage you today to partake of your salvation. When most people hear the word "salvation," they think, "I have received my salvation; I am born again and on my way to Heaven."
He leaves a sweet fragrance
Did you know you were a trophy? We are proof of Jesus’ victory over the devil, sin, sickness, poverty, and death! The Lord is parading you around the Earth as proof of the victory won.
Knowing God So You Can Make Him Known
When you really know God, you can then make Him known to others. It is impossible to tell something about someone you do not know. The more you know God and His character, the more you can share Him with others.
Desires of your heart
Nehemiah told the people that God had put it on his heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:12). “Put in on his heart” is unusual language for the Old Testament.
Ignorance due to A blind heart
What is the root cause of ignorance? It is the blindness and darkness that is in a person’s heart. It is where the life of God is foreign to someone because of their fallen nature.
We always have a choice of where and what we yield our bodies to. It is not automatic, and there are only two ways to go.
We know this is talking about money. Verse 10 is all about the amount of stuff. If you are faithful in small things, you will be faithful with a lot of things.
I want to show you what brings the pressure or stress to your life. Remember, pressure means to squeeze or crush.
Today, we must have a strong confidence in our God. The plan of the enemy is to keep you from this very important place in God.
Pressure can come to all of us. Since we can't always keep pressure from showing up in our lives, we must know how to get rid of it. We must learn to cast all of our cares upon the Lord.
Sometimes, what other people in our lives do, their decisions or choices that we have no control over, can seem to jeopardize our future, our happiness, our way of living, and even our destiny.
There is no failure in God. God cannot lie, and He cannot fail; and He will not fail you. God told Joshua something I think He would like to tell you.
God is love. God doesn’t just love us; He is love. In 1 John 4:9-10, it tells us that because God is love, He didn’t wait for us to love Him before He sent the greatest gift of love: Jesus. Because God is love, His love is made manifest.
There are so many opportunities to get off our course, take a break from our race, and even quit running the race that God has set before us. This scripture is so clear about what causes people to get off course.
It is awesome to watch people get revelation of what Jesus has done for them. Something has really been stirring in my heart and it's the word "THEY!" Just like we receive from the Lord, we can also help others receive from the Lord.