Lift Up His Hands

Exodus 17:12-13 (NLT) Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle.

Moses had just used the staff in his hand, the same one used to cross through the waters when they left Egypt. The Lord told Moses to strike the rock, the rock being a type of Jesus, and water would gush from the rock for the people and their livestock to drink. Right after this, the people of Amalek came out against them. Moses told Joshua to gather some men to go fight them. Moses would go to the top of the hill with His staff, obviously representing the power of God, and hold it up over Joshua and the men as they fought. We see in Verse 11 that as long as Moses held up the staff, Joshua and the men prevailed but if he lowered the staff, Joshua would begin to lose the advantage. Moses’ arms were getting tired, so Aaron and Hur, who had climbed up the hill with Moses, did something to help. They found Moses a rock to sit on (I believe a type of Jesus). So, as Moses rested on the rock, Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ very tired arms. As they held up Moses’ arms, Joshua quickly prevailed. They named that place Jehovah-Nissi, the Lord’s banner over me is victory. This would not have been a great victory, and they would have lost this battle, if it were not for Aaron and Hur, the “helps” ministers. Moses heard from God, had a plan, followed the plan, and yet, help was still needed. So, God needs more than leaders, ministers, and such. The Lord needs “helps” ministers. When people do the natural things of the ministry, it will lead to supernatural victories. If everyone was in their place, helping in the Body of Christ, we would see more miracles and more victories. This seems to be the way that God has set things up. There are no miracles without God. That is obvious, but someone must hear from God and follow His instructions, just like Moses did, and then, someone must be there to help to bring it across the finish line. How can you be more like Aaron and Hur? Whose hands should you hold up? Where do you fit into the Body of Christ? Find it and do it!


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