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Galatians 5:7-8 (NLT) You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for He is the one who called you to freedom.

There are so many opportunities to get off our course, take a break from our race, and even quit running the race that God has set before us. This scripture is so clear about what causes people to get off course. Once again, it is easy to start but much harder to finish. Anyone can start but not as many finish their God-given course, their destiny. 

The Galatians were running their race so well. What does that mean? They were looking to Jesus, the author and the finisher of their course. They were walking in the Word, and, therefore, walking in the Spirit, and not fulfilling the lusts of their flesh. They were running well but then, something or someone happened. Many times, it is a someone and not just a something. Someone began to get in their ear and pull them away from the truth saying things like, “God doesn’t do that for everyone,” or “It can’t be His will for everyone,” or “You are going to get sick; how else are you going to die?”, or “He doesn’t want everyone rich, so just be content with what you have because some of us are meant to be broke.” We’ve heard them all, but what happens to some is they begin to listen, and it pulls the faith right out of them, and it doesn’t take long for this to happen. Jesus very clearly said, “Be careful what you hear and how you hear it.” 

If you are hearing things, it is coming from people; and if it is pulling you away from your faith in God, you must put a stop to it. If it is someone you cannot totally get away from, at a minimum, you must realize what is happening and immediately come against it, so it doesn’t move you. And it wouldn’t hurt to do an inventory of where most of what you hear is coming from. Is it a friend, family, news, your favorite podcast, an angry preacher, or from somewhere else? It’s important to know because that will help you, on purpose, figure out who and what is feeding your faith. Ask the Lord to send you more “faith” friends. God is not the one who is causing you to lose the freedom you once walked in. Investigate, inventory your life and then, make the appropriate changes needed. Get back to walking in liberty and freedom; and then, don’t let anyone ever lead you away from following the truth of the Word of God.