Healing all sickness and disease

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

When Jesus was on the Earth, one of the main things He did was heal the people. Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. First, let’s be very clear, just like Jesus was clear when He healed the woman who was bowed over for eighteen years. Jesus said it was the devil who did it. Acts 10:38 even says that the people Jesus healed were oppressed by the devil. So, all sicknesses and diseases have their origin in the devil. There should be no question about this in your mind because Jesus said so. Jesus took stripes on His back right before He went to the cross to obtain our physical healing. It is an important part of our redemption. We can get understanding of some things on healing by looking at how He dealt with the people He healed, as told to us by the Gospel writers, who were inspired, by the Holy Ghost, to tell us the things we needed to know, so we could obtain what Jesus so graciously provided for us in His death and resurrection. We see in our

passage of scripture that Jesus healed every manner or type of sickness and disease. That goes along with the blessing of Abraham. Deuteronomy 28 lists all the sicknesses and diseases and ends by saying that even those not named are part of the curse. There is no sickness or disease, in any stage or form that Jesus has not already taken care of. He healed them all during His earthly ministry, and He took care of it once and for all when He was beaten beyond human recognition, taking stripes on His back, and dying on the cross at Calvary for us. Another thing to see in this passage is that in this large group of people being ministered to, there doesn’t seem to be a manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. There is no mention of any of them receiving from the working of miracles or special healings.

This is a large group of people, and they were all healed. What is a key to people receiving their healing? This scripture says that Jesus taught in their synagogues and preached to them the gospel of the kingdom, and faith came to the people for healing because of what Jesus was teaching. This was His pattern, to teach and preach the gospel of the kingdom. Matthew 4:24 tells us that a fame went out and people began to bring people, and he healed them, too, with this same pattern being applied. They heard Him teach and preach and faith came to them to be healed. We see it again in Matthew 9:35, “And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” It seemed to be a pattern that continued, and one that got the people healed. He did it everywhere He went, even in His own hometown, but there He could do no mighty works, other than heal a few with minor ailments, because of their unbelief.

The answer for us today is to continually hear the Word on healing, so we can have faith to be healed because it is the will of God that we are healed.


Faith To Be Healed


Jesus answered him!