From Generation to Generation

Psalm 112:2 (NKJV) His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

Ecclesiastes 1:4 says, “One generation passes away and another one comes.”  That may not sound like much revelation; but when you realize that God deals with generations, as well as individuals, you then realize that it is very important.  Biblically, a generation is 40 years, and in our society, generations are even given a name.  It is very helpful in reaching each generation to know something about that generation.  The baby boomers are different than the millennials, and the millennials are different than generation z (also known as the centennials).  The Lord has always talked in generations.  He said, about those that came out of Egypt, that He was grieved with that generation (Hebrews 3:10).  In Psalm 112:2, He called them the generation of the upright.  You can see that God looks at each generation and has something to say about them.  

One thing I know is that He wants us to reach into every generation.  King David said God was with him in his youth; and now that he had become old and grey-headed, it was a hard thing to admit, but still, he was going to show God’s strength and power to the next generation (Psalm 71:18).  Psalm 145:4 says to praise God’s works from one generation to another.  How are we going to do that?  I think it begins at the parenting level.  The Word of God is clear that parents are to teach their own children.  Don’t leave that responsibility to anyone, not even to a good church.  Parents, when you teach your children, they will then be able to affect their own generation.  It is amazing to me how fast a family, a community, or even a country can lose their Biblical roots and forget where they came from and how they got there.  

Joshua’s generation carried on from the generation that came out of Egypt with silver and gold and none sick or feeble among them.  Those who came out of bondage after God had given them a deliverer and performed so many miracles on their behalf, couldn’t enter their destiny.  Why?  Because of their wrong mindset, they had quickly forgotten who they were serving. But then, Joshua and Caleb trained up the next generation, and they were able to go and receive all that God had promised.  They got the land!  They were blessed!  It is so interesting, though, what happened to the next generation when you read Judges 2:10, which says, “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which He had done for Israel.”  Would you believe that this was the next generation right after Joshua?  How can this be?  The generation before Joshua didn’t believe God and it cost them everything.  With Joshua and Caleb training up the next generation, they did well, but what in the world happened to the generation that followed?  They didn’t make sure the generation that followed knew God.  It is as easy as that for the next generation not to know God!  We must tell the next generation.

Won’t you help us tell the generations that are here now?  The baby boomers must know.  The millennials must know.  The centennials must know.  From one generation to another, it is our responsibility to reach our own generation and the ones that come after us.


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