GO and Sin No MOre

Available in our bookstore, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble

Temptations to sin come to us all, believers and unbelievers alike. We all deal with the lusts of our flesh wanting what it should not have and wrong patterns of thinking and bad habits that need to be changed. The Bible says we can live free from it all. Jesus said we can go and sin no more, but how?

In this book, we will look at what the Bible says about it. We will go through all the works of the flesh that try to trap us and the fruit of the Spirit and the tools God has given us to keep them all in check. This study guide will equip you with all you need to know, say, and do to walk in the freedom God has provided for you.

No Longer Condemned

Available in our bookstore, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble

In No Longer Condemned, Pastor Mark Garver will share powerful yet simple tools from God’s Word to help you leave sin and condemnation in the past where they belong. At last, you’ll live the sin free, guilt free, carefree life God intended you to live.

Daily Bread: Taste and See


Pastor Mark’s new daily devotional, Daily Bread: Taste and See, is available now!

Every day in this 365-day devotional, I will share with you a scripture and a word of encouragement. As you read your daily bread you will taste and see the goodness of God and I know you will grow in revelation, understanding and knowledge. I also encourage you to take the scripture and meditate on it all day long. The Word of God is spiritual nourishment for us, and it is good to feast on the living Word of God. I trust this devotional will help you go deeper in your walk of faith.

Daily Bread is available in our online shop, Barnes & Noble(online), and in our bookstore, pick up a copy today!

By Grace through Faith

Most people only know that they were saved by grace through faith, but there are different facets of grace found in the Word that will enable us to live victoriously every day. You must know how to receive God’s empowerment (His grace) in every area of your life. God’s multi-faceted grace is yours for the taking, but you cannot access what you do not know. My goal through this book is to empower you to walk in all that grace has to offer. You will come to understand that the giving of grace is God’s side, but receiving it by faith is your side. It’s all by grace through faith.


Coming 2025