Desires of your heart
Psalm 37:4-5 Delight yourself also in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.
Nehemiah told the people that God had put it on his heart to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:12). “Put in on his heart” is unusual language for the Old Testament. When Nehemiah heard from his brother that the walls and the gates were burnt down in Jerusalem, he set himself to fast and pray after his heart was grieved at the news. It was during this time that the Lord must have given the assignment to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Rebuilding the walls was his original call but because Nehemiah obeyed that call, other wonderful things happened. The people came together, those sold into servanthood were restored, the enemies of the people were run off, and the written Word of God came back to the people.
How does our plan come? Our verse tells us. First, delight yourself in the Lord. Spending time fasting and praying are good. And as a New Testament believer, you can now hear from God for yourself. You are His sheep, and you know His voice. And as a son of God, you can and should be led by the Spirit of God.
As you delight yourself in the Lord, He will tell you what you should do. I believe this is the desire the Word is talking about. And it is true that if you seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will add all the things the gentiles seek to you; but when you set your affections on God and then, seek Him first, that’s when He can give you the desires of your heart. When you totally commit your steps to Him, He is then able to direct your path. When you and I totally trust the Lord with our lives, meaning Jesus is not just Savior to you but He is Lord, He can then bring to pass what He put in your heart. Remember, the Psalmist says, “Unless the Lord build the house, the laborer labors in vain.”
You can’t just decide what you want to do and then ask the Lord to bless it; He is not required to, nor will He. Will He bless you in other ways? Sure, He will because He loves us. He is always trying to bless us but until you do this verse, you will never get to God’s highest and best.