Stand, wrestle, and resist

Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, according to what Jesus said in John 10:10; but you and I are supposed to resist the devil and all that he brings.  We are told to put on the entire armor of God so that we can withstand the devil in the evil day. What is the evil day?  It is anytime the devil comes to your thought life or shows up with circumstances that are meant to steal, kill, or destroy some part of your life.  Whether it’s in your body, your family, temptation to sin or walk in the flesh, you and I have the armor of God to withstand what the devil is trying to do.  In Verse 11, we are told to stand against the wiles of the devil.  We are not to do it in our strength and will power but in God’s power, in His grace, as it says in Verse 10 that we are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  This “standing against” does require some effort on our part.  God gives us the armor, but we must learn what each piece represents, so we can successfully use it to defend what God has given to us.  We are told in Verse 12 that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but we do wrestle.  And any wrestling match that I have ever seen, there is effort involved.  

Who are we standing against, wrestling, and resisting?  It is the devil and all his works.  How do we stand against, wrestle, and resist?  It’s with the armor of God fully in place as we resist the devil steadfast in the faith.  Our part is to get revelation of each piece of armor.  It is God who provides the armor that always wins, but we must stand, wrestle, and resist, realizing that Jesus has already won the victory and is seated at the right hand of God.  

Ephesians 1 tells us that Jesus is seated far above every principality and power and might and dominion.  What does that mean?  That Jesus whipped the devil and destroyed him and as you continue to read, you will also discover that Ephesians 2:6 says we have been raised up with Jesus in the greatest display of God’s power ever seen and are seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places.  So, that means you and I are seated over every principality, power, might, and dominion, and we can win every battle against the devil and his works.  That’s why I always say what the Word of God says, “He always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.”  We must do our part because Jesus has already done His part.  So, let’s put on the whole armor of God.


Loin Belt of Truth


Covenant of Healing!