First, serving out of anything but the love of God will not work, or will not last a long time, because in your strength and by your flesh, that lovely feeling you have for the brothers and sisters will not remain.
First of all, this miracle was not a miracle of necessity since Jesus and Peter didn’t really owe any taxes. But because Peter got them into it, Jesus took the high road and decided to supernaturally pay the taxes.
We are taking our Promised Land. We are receiving all the promises of God that are yes and amen. The Promised Land was theirs for the taking, but they couldn’t do it; so, an entire generation had to be trained to possess what God had already given them.
We don’t have to fulfil the lusts of our flesh. We all have lusts because our flesh did not get born again, so we will have lusts to deal with until the day until the day of its transformation. But the good news is that those lusts no longer have to have dominion over us. We don’t have to be controlled by those lusts.
Making Love Our Great Quest
When the Word of God says that love is the greatest of these and to make love your great quest, I think that is a big deal. Therefore, I need to know a lot about this subject. In 1 Corinthians 14:1, the Amplified Bible says, “Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest] …”
Lift Up His Hands
Moses had just used the staff in his hand, the same one used to cross through the waters when they left Egypt. The Lord told Moses to strike the rock, the rock being a type of Jesus, and water would gush from the rock for the people and their livestock to drink.
Living by Every Word
We are to live by faith every day. There are four scriptures, one in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament, that tell us, “The just shall live by faith.” Being justified by the blood of Jesus, we now are required to live by faith. How does faith come?
Protect Your Personal Plan
Every person on planet earth who has ever lived or will live has a plan that God gave them when they were in their mother’s womb. Many saved people, let alone those who are not saved, never find, and walk in the plan of God for their lives.
The Report of the Lord
Isaiah 53:1 says who has believed the report of the Lord and Isaiah 59:1 says it is to him the arm of the Lord is not shortened. In order to get the power of God, you have to believe His report. The report of the Lord was spoken to people. The Lord spoke to His Prophets, and they told the people.
No Longer Condemned
Did you know that the Lord wants you to come to a place that you have something beyond being happy? The higher place is called joy! Happiness is based on circumstances; it is a result produced from the five senses.
Higher Place Called Joy
Did you know that the Lord wants you to come to a place that you have something beyond being happy? The higher place is called joy! Happiness is based on circumstances; it is a result produced from the five senses.
Be Quick to Repent
This is referring to Simon the Sorcerer who got born again and water baptized (Verse 13). Simon was intrigued by the signs and wonders done by Philip, the evangelist, that had caused him and the whole city to turn to God, get saved, and baptized.
How to Know You Believe You Received
It is the will of God that you receive all the promises of God that are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. How do you receive them, what do you need to know or be refreshed about so you can receive all that the Lord has for you?
Zoe, the God Kind of Life
Have you ever heard the saying, “Life is what you make it.”? I want to tell you that, really, life is who you make it.
My mind is stayed
I want perfect peace; don't you? Jesus left us His peace, and that is perfect peace. Why don't more believers walk in this perfect peace? I think this verse tells us why and gives us a key that will help us walk in what Jesus left us.
Delivered to Deliver
God has delivered us from everything the devil has sent our way, and now the Father wants to use us to bring deliverance to those we encounter. To help someone else, you must first realize your deliverance and begin to walk in it.
God will raise up your dream again
Sometimes, in life, it looks like our dreams have died. The years have gone by, and it just seems like the easiest thing to do is to give up. The good news is that you can rest on this promise, that God will restore to you the years the devil has somehow stolen from you.
Don't Quit
The Lord has never taught me how to quit! Spiritually, I really don't know how to tell someone to give up. Even if it looks like defeat, even if it looks like failure, I know somehow, someway, God is going to turn it around if I don't quit.